Toothpaste With Wholesome Ingredients // Non-Toxic Toothpaste options

Brushing your teeth is something that’s paramount to not only your dental health, it’s also important for the overall health of your body. Your teeth are the first internal parts of your body in regard to your immune and digestive systems. There are some ingredients in most toothpaste brands that can be bad for your body.

Ingredients like fluoride, triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate, and propylene glycol are all ingredients found in many toothpaste brands. Some of these can cause cancer and the loss of IQ points in children.

We will discuss why certain ingredients should be avoided and what our top picks for toothpaste are.

What's So Bad About Toothpaste?

It's never a good idea to skip using toothpaste, however, there are certain ingredients that you should avoid when looking for the right toothpaste to use. Here are some the most notorious toxins we've found:

●     Fluoride - Fluoride is a human developmental neurotoxicant that reduces measures of intelligence in children. Studies have shown that fluoride can even rob children of 3-4 IQ points

●     Triclosan - This is banned in hand soap because it has been shown to cause cancer in lab rats, but is still used in some toothpaste formulas.

●     Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - SLS is used as a foaming agent in some toothpastes, however, it can cause dry mouth, canker sores, and gum peeling.

●     Propylene Glycol - This main ingredient in antifreeze is used in conventional toothpaste to create a thicker texture.

These are some of the dirty chemicals that hide in most conventional toothpastes. The best way to avoid these is to stick with natural or non-toxic toothpaste options.

Ingredients You Should Look For

It's great to avoid toxic chemicals, however, these chemicals have a purpose and you need to replace them with ingredients that will help protect and whiten your teeth. Here are some things you should look for instead:

●     Xylitol - High-quality antibacterial ingredients like xylitol have research to back up their claims to fight cavities. It's made from wood alcohols that are easier on your teeth.

●     Hydroxyapatite - The same mineral that makes up our teeth and bones, this will remineralize your teeth the way your body does naturally. 

●     Mint - It will help freshen your breath and its antibacterial properties will help defeat bacteria that cause tooth decay

●     Hydrated Silica - This is a softer ingredient that will help polish and clean your teeth.

●     Vegetable Glycerin - This will help soothe and moisten your mouth with putting toxins in your body.

●     Coconut Oil, Tea Tree Oil, and Baking Soda - Any other natural ingredients that contain antibacterial properties will help neutralize the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Top Picks of Wholesome Toothpastes

It can be exhausting to pour over ingredient labels to find the perfect toothpaste. We made it a little easier by finding some that will be easy on you, but tough on the bacteria that cause tooth decay, bad breath, and funky-looking teeth.


The key ingredient is hydroxyapatite which will remineralize your teeth. Other ingredients like xylitol, silica, and calcium carbonate help to inhibit bad bacteria and gently scrub the stains off your teeth.

Bite Toothpaste Bits

These bits are it! Easy to use the right amount of toothpaste, you just pop these bits in, bite down, and start brushing. Free from harmful ingredients, these toothpaste bits will help you protect your teeth, freshen your breath, and give you a whiter smile without wasting plastic or harming your body.


Revitin nurtures and balances the mouth’s natural ecology, the oral microbiome, with prebiotic nutrients for optimal long-term oral health and total body wellness.

Protect Your Teeth, Protect Your Body

Teeth are one of the most important parts of your body to protect. Avoid harmful ingredients that have been shown to have detrimental effects on your body. Replace them with products that have ingredients that naturally help your teeth fight tooth decay, neutralize sugars, and remove stains.


Make the Switch to Non-Toxic Bathroom Products


Are you reading the ingredient label on your beauty products?